Supportive Housing & Behavioral Health Liaison Services

Welcome to the Liaison Program!

When someone comes to the Liaison program, Michelle and Kalina assess their needs, help them set up goals and action steps, and then work alongside participants to reach the goals. They meet participants where they are and work to get them where they want to be. Goals could be related to:

  • Housing
  • Harm reduction
  • Mental health
  • Behavioral health
  • Re-entry
  • Transportation
  • Other needs


Liaisons Kalina Harris and Michelle Lamb
Liaisons Kalina Harris and Michelle Lamb

The program has a wide range of contacts and partners throughout Kitsap County and beyond to help participants receive whatever services they need. For example, the Liaisons take people to DSHS, or help them get phones through Excess Telecom. They may help someone set up a mental health appointment, take them to the appointment, and provide support while they wait for their turn, then help them get their prescriptions afterward. The solutions and services provided are individualized based on participant need.

The Liaisons also work with people who are in jail to set up release plans so they can re-enter the community after their sentence with the best possible chance for success, whether this involves providing a ride, finding them a place to stay, ensuring that they will have food, clothing, or necessary prescriptions, or fulfilling other needs.

The Liaison program does not charge participants for any of its services. However, many of the services participants need such as mental or behavioral health treatment do require insurance. So, the Liaisons are able to help people sign up for Medicaid. They are also well-versed in other funding sources available through community providers and partners. From bus tokens to food, clothing, and rental assistance, the Liaisons know what resources may be accessible to participants.


Michelle Lamb - Project Lead, Behavioral Health & Harm Reduction Liaison
Michelle Lamb - Project Lead, Behavioral Health & Harm Reduction Liaison
Kalina Harris - Supportive Housing & Transportation Liaison
Kalina Harris - Supportive Housing & Transportation Liaison
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