What Does “Best Practices” Mean?

West Sound Treatment Center uses best practices: methods and processes that are proven to be most effective by the substance use disorder treatment profession.

Recovery-Oriented Systems of Care is a holistic, self-directed process that involves rebuilding family, social, and personal relationships. Pathways to recovery are more personal as our system adapts to the needs of individuals rather than requiring individuals to adapt to systems, and individual strengths, assets, and resiliencies are emphasized. Matrix Model Curriculum covers six key clinical areas: individual and group therapy, early recovery, relapse prevention, family education, social support, and random urine testing (used in intensive outpatient treatment).

Housing First is a relatively recent innovation in human service programs and social policy regarding treatment of the homeless and is an alternative to a system of emergency shelter/transitional housing progressions. Rather than moving homeless individuals through different “levels” of housing, whereby each level moves them closer to “independent housing” (for example: from the streets to a public shelter, and from a public shelter to a transitional housing program, and from there to their own apartment in the community) Housing First moves the homeless individual or household immediately from the streets or homeless shelters into their own apartments.

Housing First approaches are based on the concept that a homeless individual or household’s first and primary need is to obtain stable housing, and that other issues that may affect the household can and should be addressed once housing is obtained. In contrast, many other programs operate from a model of “housing readiness” — that is, that an individual or household must address other issues that may have led to the episode of homelessness prior to entering housing.

Critical Care Case Management is a promising intervention which aims to achieve positive outcomes through a structured, holistic approach to individualized team planning that is more relevant to the child and the family unit. This model supports individuals and families with a range of complex needs.

Harm reduction is a set of practical strategies that reduce the negative consequences of drug use by moving the individual suffering from addiction through a spectrum of strategies from safer drug use to abstinence. Harm reduction strategies meet drug users “where they are at,” addressing conditions of use along with the use itself.

Trauma Informed Care is a strengths-based framework that is grounded in an understanding of and responsiveness to the impact of trauma…that emphasizes physical, psychological, and emotional safety for both service providers and survivors…and, that creates opportunities for survivors to rebuild a sense of control and empowerment. More than 50% of those with substance use disorders report traumatic significant events in their histories.

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