Facing Fear & Anxiety in Early Addiction Recovery

Evidence-Based Strategies Early in your journey of addiction recovery, facing fear and anxiety can feel overwhelming. However, evidence-based strategies can help you navigate this crucial phase with resilience and determination. Mindfulness and Meditation One effective approach is the practice of mindfulness and meditation. These techniques encourage you to stay present in the moment, fostering a…

Voices in Recovery Award 2023: Part Two

The Voices in Recovery award highlights those in the recovery community who stand out for the work they do to help people who can’t always speak up for themselves. Part One of this blog shared about Deputy David Wolner receiving the award this year because of his role as law enforcement whose voice is making…

Understanding Naloxone

The Lifesaving Opioid Overdose Reversal Agent Naloxone, often referred to by its brand name Narcan, has become a critical tool in the battle against opioid overdose deaths. As opioid addiction continues to be a widespread public health concern, understanding how naloxone works is essential for both health care professionals and the general public. How Opioids…

Why Start SUD Treatment Before the Holidays?

As the holiday season approaches, many people grappling with substance use disorders will consider delaying treatment until the festivities are over. However, there are compelling reasons for you to start SUD treatment before the holidays, turning this time of year into a transformative period of healing and recovery. Choosing to begin SUD treatment before the…

Finding Gratitude on the Road to Addiction Recovery

Addiction recovery is a challenging journey, and you’ll need strength, determination, and support to go the distance. Gratitude is a powerful tool that can make a difference for you along the way. Learning to find and appreciate the positive aspects of life, no matter how small, can make a big impact on your recovery process.…

The Power of Lists in Addiction Recovery: A Practical Guide for Success

Any addiction recovery journey is full of challenges and triumphs. In this process, a practical and empowering tool — the list — can significantly enhance your efforts. Using lists in your recovery process comes with myriad benefits. 1. Goal Setting: Breaking Down Recovery into Achievable Steps One big advantage lists bring to addiction recovery is…

Why Community Counts: The Recovery Support You Need

Substance use disorder (SUD) can be an isolating and overwhelming experience, but you don’t have to travel the road to recovery alone. Whether through support groups, counseling, or the understanding of loved ones, the power of a strong community is vital in helping you overcome SUD and find your way to a healthier, happier life.…

Mindfulness: Key to Recovery?

Substance use disorders damage the brain – we know that. But lately, we’re seeing headlines claiming that mindfulness can reverse the damage from SUDs. Is it true? Should we all jump on the mindfulness bandwagon? Shedding Light on Mindfulness While “mindfulness” can seem like just another buzzword, that doesn’t mean we should write it off.…

Your Support = Their Success

We asked for donations for the Spring into Sobriety event for our housing residents and their families, and you responded with your support! The event took place at the Lighthouse, West Sound Treatment Center’s recovery house for men and their children. The day couldn’t have been more perfect… Working Together Bright June sunshine suffused the…

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