Finding Gratitude on the Road to Addiction Recovery

Addiction recovery is a challenging journey, and you’ll need strength, determination, and support to go the distance. Gratitude is a powerful tool that can make a difference for you along the way. Learning to find and appreciate the positive aspects of life, no matter how small, can make a big impact on your recovery process.…

The Power of Lists in Addiction Recovery: A Practical Guide for Success

Any addiction recovery journey is full of challenges and triumphs. In this process, a practical and empowering tool — the list — can significantly enhance your efforts. Using lists in your recovery process comes with myriad benefits. 1. Goal Setting: Breaking Down Recovery into Achievable Steps One big advantage lists bring to addiction recovery is…

The ABCs of Self-Care

In the hustle and bustle of life, everyone gets carried away by the demands of work, family activities, and social obligations from time to time. Amidst all this chaos, it’s easy to overlook one crucial aspect — self-care. Some might tell you that taking time for yourself is selfish, but in reality, it’s a vital…

Voices in Recovery: A Story of Client Success Through DOSA & Treatment

So here is my “client success” story. I’m going to start a little bit before I got into West Sound Treatment Center. While still in active addiction, I was very abusive to my ex. To be completely honest, I tried to kill her. I got arrested, went to jail, and was looking at prison time.…

Voices in Recovery: A New Start

What makes the difference between relapse and success? According to one recent WSTC treatment graduate, the answer is the New Start Program. Before, she completed a treatment program but found that getting clean and sober wasn’t enough to sustain recovery. At the end of the program, with nowhere safe to stay, she relapsed. Things went…

What it takes to be an SUDP

What does it take to be an SUDP? The Straightforward Answer According to the Washington State Department of Health website, a Substance Use Disorder Professional certification requires completion of an associate degree with at least 30 college credits of substance use disorder related classes and 2,500 hours of counseling under supervision, or a bachelor’s degree…

What Second Chances Mean to Libby McCaskey, SUDP

Second chances are important to Libby McCaskey – WSTC’s SUDP telehealth counselor. “I was born with congenital heart disease,” she explains. “I knew from a very young age that life is short, and I may not live a long time. God gave me a second chance at life, and I want to honor that by…

What Is Harm Reduction?

What is Harm Reduction? Harm Reduction Services are evidence-based methods of reducing the negative effects of substance use for individuals and for communities. How does WSTC practice Harm Reduction? *Providing SUD treatment & motivational interviewing*Distributing opioid overdose reversal medications (naloxone)*Providing peer support specialists & case management*Promoting linkages to social services*Providing education & referrals to care*Reducing…

Recovery Housing Builds SELF-EFFICACY

Remember in the blog about Recovery Capital, we mentioned self-efficacy (human capital that can add value for recovery)? Recovery Housing helps individuals to build self-efficacy! But what is it? Efficacy is the ability to produce an intended result, so self-efficacy is the belief that you have the ability to produce an intended result. If you…

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