Michelle Vargo: Peer Recovery Coach for the REAL Program at WSTC

The Recovery Empowerment Advocacy and Linkage Program is still in its infancy stages, but REAL Team Peer Recovery Coach Michelle Vargo is serious about its mission to help at-risk and underserved people to access supportive and public health services. Michelle and the Team has visited the encampments of unhoused people throughout Kitsap County several times…

Toy Drive a Success Thanks to Generous Donors!

During early stages of recovery and treatment, it can be difficult or impossible for clients to hold a fulltime job, and that can mean lean Christmases and birthdays for their children. WSTC tries to do a toy drive each year to make their holidays brighter, and this year, even though we got started a bit…

Lindsay Devitt: Peer Recovery Coach for the REAL Program at WSTC

Lindsay Devitt has been working here at WSTC in the Washington Listens program, supporting callers who suffer COVID-19-related emotional and mental issues. As that program ends, a new program is in the works, and Lindsay has accepted the position of Peer Recovery Coach for the Recovery, Empowerment, Advocacy, and Linkage (REAL) Program. Learning the REAL…

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