What does it take to be an SUDP? The Straightforward Answer According to the Washington State Department of Health website, a Substance Use Disorder Professional certification requires completion of an associate degree with at least 30 college credits of substance use disorder related classes and 2,500 hours of counseling under supervision, or a bachelor’s degree…
Would You Recognize an Overdose?
Image description: Infographic provides overdose information about the following substances: Many of these substances are sold in a combination form. Most are significantly more dangerous when combined. Alcohol greatly increases the risk of all other substances. If you encounter someone in overdose:
What Is Harm Reduction?
What is Harm Reduction? Harm Reduction Services are evidence-based methods of reducing the negative effects of substance use for individuals and for communities. How does WSTC practice Harm Reduction? *Providing SUD treatment & motivational interviewing*Distributing opioid overdose reversal medications (naloxone)*Providing peer support specialists & case management*Promoting linkages to social services*Providing education & referrals to care*Reducing…
Building Recovery Capital for All of Kitsap
Everyone wants capital, right? After all, you need it to get by in the world. It consists of your assets and your resources. The more you have, the better your ability to generate value. But what does “capital” mean when we stick it together with “recovery”? According to *White and Cloud, recovery capital includes the…