Keys to Recovery

A person who chooses recovery does it over and over because it’s a process, not an event. But what does it take to keep making the choice? According to SAMHSA, it takes hope, because people in recovery need to believe that they can overcome the challenges of addiction. It takes relationships – families, friends, peers…

The Importance of Drug Court Programs

The nature of addiction often leads to breaking the law, whether it’s driving after too many drinks, taking someone else’s prescription drugs, or using an illegal substance. Most of the time, those types of activities result in jail time or a prison sentence. Sadly, people suffering from substance use disorders don’t typically get what they…

What Is Medication-Assisted Treatment?

The effects of withdrawal for some substances can be physically and psychologically traumatic. The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration explains that physicians may prescribe certain medications in conjunction with other treatments to lessen the distress some people may feel. This is known as medication-assisted treatment (MAT). Federal law requires people who are undergoing…

Becoming Aware of Thoughts and Beliefs for Positive Change

The way we think about ourselves defines who we are, and it also drives our actions and behaviors. People with addictions often have destructive, negative thoughts about themselves, and it is these self-defeating thoughts and beliefs that propel their addiction. Many times, people look at surface issues and external influences as the triggers for their…

FAQs About Addiction

Lately, the word “addicted” gets used all the time. “She’s addicted to sugar.” “He’s addicted to that video game.” And there are lots of articles in popular publications that report on studies implying that this could be true addiction. They point out that a treat or an activity cause pleasure in the brain, and a…

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