Stress & Substance Use Disorders The medical community has known for a long time that STRESS can make individuals more likely to develop an ADDICTION, possibly because people under chronic stress are more likely to turn to substances to cope. However, using brain-imaging and other sophisticated tools, researchers have recently learned that STRESS also alters…

What Is Harm Reduction?

What is Harm Reduction? Harm Reduction Services are evidence-based methods of reducing the negative effects of substance use for individuals and for communities. How does WSTC practice Harm Reduction? *Providing SUD treatment & motivational interviewing*Distributing opioid overdose reversal medications (naloxone)*Providing peer support specialists & case management*Promoting linkages to social services*Providing education & referrals to care*Reducing…

Recovery Housing Builds SELF-EFFICACY

Remember in the blog about Recovery Capital, we mentioned self-efficacy (human capital that can add value for recovery)? Recovery Housing helps individuals to build self-efficacy! But what is it? Efficacy is the ability to produce an intended result, so self-efficacy is the belief that you have the ability to produce an intended result. If you…

Building Recovery Capital for All of Kitsap

Everyone wants capital, right? After all, you need it to get by in the world. It consists of your assets and your resources. The more you have, the better your ability to generate value. But what does “capital” mean when we stick it together with “recovery”? According to *White and Cloud, recovery capital includes the…

Voices in Recovery: Gary Fuller Shares the Fuller Legacy

WSTC has created the Voices in Recovery Award to honor people in the community who have gone above and beyond to help those suffering from substance use disorders. Gary Fuller, and his father, George Fuller, were instrumental in keeping WSTC afloat through community awareness, Board of Directors leadership, fundraising efforts, personal support, and more. You…

Michelle Vargo: Peer Recovery Coach for the REAL Program at WSTC

The Recovery Empowerment Advocacy and Linkage Program is still in its infancy stages, but REAL Team Peer Recovery Coach Michelle Vargo is serious about its mission to help at-risk and underserved people to access supportive and public health services. Michelle and the Team has visited the encampments of unhoused people throughout Kitsap County several times…

Toy Drive a Success Thanks to Generous Donors!

During early stages of recovery and treatment, it can be difficult or impossible for clients to hold a fulltime job, and that can mean lean Christmases and birthdays for their children. WSTC tries to do a toy drive each year to make their holidays brighter, and this year, even though we got started a bit…

WSTC Renames Women & Children’s House to Honor George R. Fuller

Over the 40 years since it began as Awareness Express in 1982, West Sound Treatment Center has seen many changes. When WSTC was located across the street from the County Courthouse in Port Orchard, Awareness Express was also near the county coroner’s office where George R. Fuller worked. Because two of his sons struggled with…

Lindsay Devitt: Peer Recovery Coach for the REAL Program at WSTC

Lindsay Devitt has been working here at WSTC in the Washington Listens program, supporting callers who suffer COVID-19-related emotional and mental issues. As that program ends, a new program is in the works, and Lindsay has accepted the position of Peer Recovery Coach for the Recovery, Empowerment, Advocacy, and Linkage (REAL) Program. Learning the REAL…

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