WSTC & the Women’s Giving Circle

CEO Ken Wilson shares how a generous donation from The Women’s Giving Circle of the Kitsap Peninsula has enhanced the lives of the women and children living in WSTC’s Fuller House. This Recovery Housing accommodates 11 women and their children at a time, providing intensive case management that prepares them to become independent and move…

Recovery Housing Receives Furnishings

A while back, we shared that Boeing had awarded WSTC a grant (written by Britania!) to purchase furnishings for our recovery housing. Today, some of those items were delivered! These sectionals are in our Lighthouse and Fuller houses:

Recovery Housing Builds SELF-EFFICACY

Remember in the blog about Recovery Capital, we mentioned self-efficacy (human capital that can add value for recovery)? Recovery Housing helps individuals to build self-efficacy! But what is it? Efficacy is the ability to produce an intended result, so self-efficacy is the belief that you have the ability to produce an intended result. If you…

WSTC Renames Women & Children’s House to Honor George R. Fuller

Over the 40 years since it began as Awareness Express in 1982, West Sound Treatment Center has seen many changes. When WSTC was located across the street from the County Courthouse in Port Orchard, Awareness Express was also near the county coroner’s office where George R. Fuller worked. Because two of his sons struggled with…

Recovery and Employment Should Go Hand in Hand

According to research, most people in recovery want to work. Anecdotal evidence in the form of client testimony and experience backs this up, too. If there’s a choice between being employed or being unemployed, most people in recovery want to take the job. Employment is especially valuable for recovery. SAMHSA reports that having a job,…

Home Depot Donates to Recovery House

We announced a while back that the Home Depot Foundation was donating some closet organizers and cabinets for our recovery house for women and children. And now they’ve arrived! This is a big deal for the women and children who live there. While we have made the bedrooms of this sober living home nice —…

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