It’s time to celebrate! Kelley Lovelace has completed her supervision education and certification, which means she’s now legally able to supervise clinical staff! Not only that, but CEO Ken Wilson also offered her the position of Clinical Supervisor in Bremerton, and she accepted. “Over the past 3 1/2 years,” Ken said, “I have watched Kelley…
What Purpose Do Collateral Consequences Serve?
Do you remember learning about consequences as a kid? A parent or teacher may have warned you about what might happen if you didn’t stop a behavior or action. Maybe you did stop and avoided the dire prediction. Maybe you didn’t, and the lesson about consequences got a lot more real. Punishing Bad Behavior Without…
Recovery and Employment Should Go Hand in Hand
According to research, most people in recovery want to work. Anecdotal evidence in the form of client testimony and experience backs this up, too. If there’s a choice between being employed or being unemployed, most people in recovery want to take the job. Employment is especially valuable for recovery. SAMHSA reports that having a job,…
Home Depot Donates to Recovery House
We announced a while back that the Home Depot Foundation was donating some closet organizers and cabinets for our recovery house for women and children. And now they’ve arrived! This is a big deal for the women and children who live there. While we have made the bedrooms of this sober living home nice —…
Shared Values for the Recovery Community
In our last post, we discussed values and how they play a role in recovery. Now, in addition to assessing our personal values, National Recovery Month encourages us to consider the values of the recovery community (which of course should include all of us because recovery is for everyone). According to Faces & Voices of…
Values: Tools You Can Use for Recovery
Values are important recovery tools. They’re also important life qualities, for that matter, because values are the theories, beliefs or attitudes that act as guiding principles for our behaviors. The values we hold dear may also be what give us the strength, courage, and stamina to stay true to our recovery journey. Or, our values…
Signs You’re Headed for Relapse and How To Stop
Most people think of a relapse as the moment that they give in to temptation and use their substance of choice. However, relapse actually starts much sooner, and if you can catch the early warning signs, you may gain an advantage that helps you stop the process before you use. The Yale Journal of Biology…
What You Need To Know in Case of Opioid Overdose
Fatal overdoses from opioids, and especially fentanyl, are climbing in Washington. This July may have been the worst month for overdoses in almost two years, with 1,031 overdoses reported in 31 days, according to the Washington State Department of Health. Fortunately, Naloxone can prevent an opioid overdose death if it is administered quickly. Emergency responders…
3 Reasons To Consider Intensive Outpatient (IOP) Treatment
If you’re ready to start your recovery journey now, you may think the first step is an inpatient facility. Inpatient substance use disorder (SUD) treatment programs are the lifeline that some people need, especially if they have other medical or psychiatric issues, a high risk of withdrawal symptoms and/or a need to be in a…
Shopping To Fight Addiction
Many retailers make donations to nonprofits through shopping rewards programs based on their customers’ preferences. You may have heard of the Amazon Smile program, which donates 0.5% of the amount of your purchase to the charity of your choice? Well, Fred Meyer has a similar program! If you’ve signed up online and you have a…